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Thelma_snow globe_edited.jpg

Original drawings are now available in my online shop!

It's hot out there, people, so why not cool off with a snow globe drawing. Or a picture of a can of spray snow. Or, if you're feeling summer-y, I've got a cocktail umbrella just for you.

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I love drawing. I make doodles for my daughter's lunch box every day, but I haven't really been in the habit of drawing for a long while. When I started doing more painting commissions, though, I was welcomed back into the world of works on paper. When I posted one of my sketches online, it got a great response, so I thought, why not do more?

A handful of months ago, my friend, Jessie Zenor gave me a reason to do just that. She invited me to do a show of drawings at her awesome little place called The Greenhouse on Porter in Ocean Springs, Mississippi. I created some new pieces based on the idea behind a small group of paintings in my last body of work: Things you'd find at the five & dime.

Greenhouse on Porter_exterior.png

I drove to Ocean Springs for the closing reception, and had one heck of a good time. They even hosted a little artist's dinner for me. And a handful of pieces sold. (Thank you, Ocean Springs!)

And now the remnants of that show are avalable in my online shop. I started out with 20 and am now down to 13. Get them while you can, my friends!

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